Test 1000+ Google fonts
on your website
Tired of trying and testing 1000s of fonts one by one? well now you can preview any google fonts right on your website/landing page.
Start for free

Add personality to your
with fonts

Pick and test 1000+ google fonts

Test on any website or landing page

Easily change specific text fonts with the highlighter feature

Set font weight and line height

set Italics, underline and more

Easily copy the code for the fonts

What some of our users say

The extension is amazing. Highly recommended for people who have hard time choosing font for their projects. - Muhammad Zohaib
Pretty useful! It helps test different fonts to decide which one would fit better, supernice! - Manuel Sánchez
Simply great!!! Thanks Paul. Something like that was needed. Blessings! - Francisco Zapata

Choose your plan


Free to use forever, but for added features and to support open-source development, consider buying lifetime license.

  • Select from 1000+ google fonts
  • Lifetime updates
  • Priority support
  • Early access to new features
  • Firefox, Safari and Edge addons (upcoming)
  • Dark theme (upcoming)
  • Adjust font-size and colors (upcoming)
Get now
Limited time offer

$49 $19 Forever

Support open-source development 🚀. Plus get added benefits.

  • Select from 1000+ google fonts
  • Lifetime updates
  • Priority support
  • Early access to new features
  • Firefox, Safari and Edge addons (upcoming)
  • Dark theme (upcoming)
  • Adjust font-size and colors (upcoming)
Get now


Is the source code available?
Yes, this is an open-source project, you can visit the source code on Github
Can I try the extension for free?
Yes, the chrome extension is free to use forever, however to support open-source development, some features are only available to premium users.
Is Safari, Edge and Firefox addons available?
The Safari, Edge and firefox addons will be available for premium users when released. If you purchase a license, you'll be notified when its released.
Where can I find the upcoming features?
You can find the upcoming features on the Roadmap